Friday, July 25, 2008

The New House - Cutting Down Trees - Step 1

The first weekend seemed like it had to be the hardest. Cutting down many pine trees on the property. We are setting the house back close to the woods and Roger wants to cut down all potential hazards before any building begins. We have a problem with falling pine trees and if we can get down as many as we can in the beginning we won't have to worry about roof problems with any sign of a storm.
Roger's friends Robert & Tom stopped by with their chain saws and helped out one day. So at one time we had Roger, Robert & Tom cutting while Justin was going tree to tree pushing them in the right direction - I don't know how safe this all was, but it got the job done!!!!

Chainsawing, pushing, pulling, and dragging was all stressfull and tiring. We used Justin's new big beautiful truck to haul all the pine tress away. It ended up being 10 tons worth of logs - Justin was very proud of the truck's brut strength. Now of course all those logs had to be put on the truck and eventhough Roger handled most of it, I did contribute a lot of my own muscles. Roger had some long days with all that pine. We do not like pine trees anymore!

Everyone pitching in: Roger, Justin, Robert, Tom and Jaymi