Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dogs helping - Grading 1

And of course the dogs all help with the first day of grading!!!! They worked well into the night.

1st day of Grading

After all the tree clearing and the burning it is now time to grade the dirt to make it even for the slab.

Oh my goodness, my first call to Roger I should have know that I was going to come home to plenty of stress; but I did not know how much. Roger rented the mini track-hoe this morning and when I got home at 5:00 there was still barely any dirt moved. Him and Sam worked the laser in the morning, Scotty came over to help with the laser on the stick (I still don't understand, but not necessary for us lamen folk). So, Justin got here around 4:00 and then they really got to moving dirt. Justin and Roger taking turns running the track-hoe and then the other was taking the dirt to the back by the building (even Bob helped on the hauling). After many trips there was still a lot to go. I don't think we realized how much dirt needed to go. Roger and Justin worked till about 9:30 that night. There might have been stress on the human side the dogs loved the fresh dirt. Bob and Cash just couldn't stay out of the dirt - they played together all night. Grace spent the whole night stocking Vegas. Now back to how the evening started........I got home and Roger was ranting and raving about how little got done. But then they finally got to moving dirt like crazy. Mom brought stroganouff (???? on spelling) so I didn't have to cook. Dad got here to join in the fun. Then Justin comes in and says the battery to the dump bed was dead (oh no I thought). Then Justin thought to use Roger's truck battery and dad went out to help on the electrical stuff. Well they were off and running again and Roger and Justin were working like crazy. By this time everyone was happy and exhausted all at the same time. Mom and dad went home. Laura and I went out to see what all was going home. Laura jumped on the track-hoe and helped Justin out and I jumped on the truck to assist Roger. By the end of the night we were all tired but happy for the work done. Roger realized he couldn't do it all with the mini so he is getting Orville (Sam's uncle) out here with all his big equipment in a week and a half and he is going to move the dirt and do the footings all at the same time. We have to have our first inspection by 8/20 on the footings so we are feeling the pressure. I am very ready for central air - it has been hot!!!!!!

New additions to the Family

We have 2 new additions to the family, as mom & dad says their new grandchildren. Justin and Laura got Cash and we got Vegas. Cash is the new crazy, going to be HUGE puppy and the tiny little Vegas that thinks he rules all dogs. Just in the last month or two Cash has gained 20 pounds since she lived with Justin and Laura, soon she will outdo Bob. Although Bob will always think she is bigger. Roger and I got Vegas from Laura and Justin's new kitten batch. He was the only boy. Of course he was the biggest and most rambunctious. Justin convinced me this is the one I needed - I think this was the one he didn't want to give up so I got the craziest of all the litter -- just another way for Justin to torture me without living in the same household (ha ha)! All kidding aside Roger, Bob and I all love Vegas. He is obsessed with Bob and insists on taking every nap on her head or tail. But once night time comes, he becomes a little demon. Jumping and clawing Bob first; once she goes outside, he then comes to our bed to claw us, so he is locked in the bathroom at night now. Vegas can now use the doggy door no problem, so there is no controlling him or Bob -- Roger and i have lost all control!!!

Burning the horrible pine brush

HOT HOT HOT days in July especially when you add fires into the mix. After all the cutting of the trees, we then had to burn all the brush. This is no fun at all, again how much do i have to say I hate pine trees -- there will be no Christmas trees for me in the new house!!!!!!

Like I said above we used Justin's new truck for all the towing away of the logs - see the picture attached -- Justin is very proud!!! Anyway, I can say I will take most of the credit for the burn piles.