Monday, September 8, 2008

Hurricane #2 -- Hannah

Sam & Roger dug the ditches for the sewer and water today (9/4), but it was not good. Sam hit the block wall and knocked it out of place and then Roger hit it the next day. This was a bad week - it seemed like no matter how hard we worked and pushed forward there were more set backs than anything. But Andy (mason guy) came late Friday afternoon and fixed all the block and Sam & Roger finished digging the sewer and water ditches. We knew hurricane Hannah was on the way so Roger prepared. He put plastic over the entire slab so it would not be a muddy mess. He arranged the plastic so all the rain would drain into the big ditch in the middle of the house where the sewer will be layed.

Here comes hurricane #2 (Hannah). These hurricanes are relentless! It rained all night Friday (9/4) but was dying off by early morning Saturday (9/5). Justin came over about 10:30 and they removed all the plastic (very carefully) and then shoveled out all the muddy slime from the big sewer ditch. Everyone was completely muddy by the end of the day. Bob was hosed off at least 4 times that day; even Vegas got toweled off!

One good thing is the hurricane did not last long and the wind didn't blow, so it could have been a lot worse -- Justin & Roger were done by mid-afternoon.

1st round of Block

Yeah!!! The first round of block is finally here. I have never seen split faced block before and I was so excited to see it. Of course mom got over here first and called me to tell me that it looked awesome - it actually is going to look like granite once it becomes a complete wall. So for those of you who do not know yet -- our complete outside walls are going to be Split Faced concrete block. If you can't tell from the pictures, split faced block is jagged block (no 2 are the same). Andy our mason guy came on 8/25 to lay the first 2 rounds of block and then get the columns started. He did this so Roger could get specific measurements for the sewer, plumbing and inside walls. I love it!!!! As you can see there are a couple of low cuts - that is cut outs for our doors!

Hurricane #1 - Faye

The first hurricane of the year hits right after the footings are done :(. It started raining mid-week and just wouldn't stop. Everyone else in the area was happy for rain, but all we could think of is all that mud -- what are we going to do????? After 4 days of downpours the rain finally stopped. That Saturday 8/22 Roger and I got outside in the sloppy mess and dug out the slop and mud so we could see the concrete. Once we got it all cleaned out, all we needed was sunshine to dry it out and that is exactly what we got.