Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New additions to the Family

We have 2 new additions to the family, as mom & dad says their new grandchildren. Justin and Laura got Cash and we got Vegas. Cash is the new crazy, going to be HUGE puppy and the tiny little Vegas that thinks he rules all dogs. Just in the last month or two Cash has gained 20 pounds since she lived with Justin and Laura, soon she will outdo Bob. Although Bob will always think she is bigger. Roger and I got Vegas from Laura and Justin's new kitten batch. He was the only boy. Of course he was the biggest and most rambunctious. Justin convinced me this is the one I needed - I think this was the one he didn't want to give up so I got the craziest of all the litter -- just another way for Justin to torture me without living in the same household (ha ha)! All kidding aside Roger, Bob and I all love Vegas. He is obsessed with Bob and insists on taking every nap on her head or tail. But once night time comes, he becomes a little demon. Jumping and clawing Bob first; once she goes outside, he then comes to our bed to claw us, so he is locked in the bathroom at night now. Vegas can now use the doggy door no problem, so there is no controlling him or Bob -- Roger and i have lost all control!!!

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