Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pouring of the slab

The day has finally come -- the slab is poured!! We have waiting on this day for months now -- there were days we didn't think this would ever happen. Randy Dunn was the sub that finished the concrete for us. Of course mom was here to take all the pictures. Black Concrete was here by 8:00 am and they began working. First they poured the concrete to go around the pool for the walls - we were very nervous about this but it all went well. The walls of the pool are 12" thick in some areas -- this is the safest place of the whole house (ha ha). Anyway, once the pool walls were up to the top they went around to the rest of the house. Randy used a bull float to smooth it out first -- his feet sunk all the way to the bottom at this stage. They then took a couple of hours off and went back to use the first motorized smoother. His feet was barely sinking at this point. Then he finished it off with a larger machine and by this point the concrete was really setting and he was not sinking at all. Roger was really impressed with Randy and he learned a lot. Concrete is amazing to me, as the hours go on it gets hotter and hotter which in turn makes the concrete harden. It looks great -- Roger and I are extremely relieved. Getting to this point has been rough and emotional, but it is finally done and looks great to top it all off!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

YAY! So fun to see more pictures. You guys are amazing.