Thursday, May 7, 2009

High Point marathon

Laura and Tara ran the half marathon this weekend 5/2/09 in High Point -- they both did great. I went to watch the ending and then we went for breakfast afterwards. I was very jealous that I wasn't running with them!


Oh the windows -- thinking this would take just a couple of hours ended up taking a week. With custom windows drilling into concrete block, you are only asking for problems. It was a long frustrating week, but they are in and very nice -- I love the windows between the living room and pool room -- it really gives it an open feel. We ordered West Coast windows -- they supply conference buildings and hotels.

First Snow

We had the first snow on the new house -- it looked really nice. I wish I was living in the house cuddled up in the snow!!!!

Interior Framing

Now it is time to frame out the interior -- we used metal framing for a few reasons: it is more cost effective and fire proof!! However, it is much more tedious and difficult to install -- what haven't we chosen for this house that isn't tedious and difficult (ha ha). Slowly but surely, two weeks later it was finally all framed in. The scariest part of all this is remember we have the radiant floor pipes in the floor, so they had to be very careful screwing in the framing so not to hit the pipes -- oh this was crazy, but okay in the end! It was really looking more house-like now!

Roger's Window seals

We could not find any kind of window seals that we like in block, so Roger thought he could design and make them himself!! Of course he did a great job. He designed forms and then poured a concrete mix in each one of them. He then had to babysit them for hours -- smoothing the edges and jiggling the rocks to the bottom. He had issues with the first few cracking, but after much practice he got it down to a science. He was putting out window seals like a concrete factory. I couldn't believe how cool and awesome they looked. Once in the window holes, we stained them black. Roger was very happy -- he loves working with concrete! I think this is his favorite and most enjoyable project of the whole house.

Black Tin Roof

As soon as the plywood was up, it started to rain again --- of course. All of that plywood soaking up the rain --- we were worried. But a few days later, the rain was gone, the plywood was fine, and it was time to put the tin on the roof!! There were a lot of people here again, but I could not help. This was tedious work and much care had to be taken to not bend this beautiful shiny tin roof. Roger, Sam, Walter, Justin, dad, Damon and Dwayne helped put up the roof. So getting the tin up was hard because you could not bend it. Then getting it straight was challenging. The most tedious part was the screws holding the tin down. They screwed in 1500 screws in that roof -- wow this took forever. Another long day. Then once the roof was up it leaked :(((((. Finally fixed, but very stressful in the mean time. It ended up being Roger put the screws in a bit tight. All good now. I love the way our roof looks in the moonlight.

Plywood on the Trussess

The day after the trussess went up it was then time to cover with the plywood sheeting. There were a lot of us here on this day helping -- this was a huge job (Roger, me, Justin, mom, dad, Walter, Sam, Damon & Dwayne). We had to hand up 165 sheets of plywood up to the roof -- oh my gosh this was a task. Justin and Walter started off handing up the sheets of plywood to the others first. I tried to help Justin one time and only ended up almost breaking his finger. The sheet of plywood looked like it was about to fall forward, so being the loving sister I am I tried to push it back towards Justin. Then the wind got it and it was blown over Justin and broke off his entire thumb nail and gave him a black eye. Lots of help I was-- at that point I just tried to help with the little stuff. Everyone took turns handing up the plywood and then nailing it down. Me and mom worked on taking out nails from a million boards placed aimlessly around. By the end of this day, I was so tired I could have cried. It was cold, windy and a very late day!!!!