Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plywood on the Trussess

The day after the trussess went up it was then time to cover with the plywood sheeting. There were a lot of us here on this day helping -- this was a huge job (Roger, me, Justin, mom, dad, Walter, Sam, Damon & Dwayne). We had to hand up 165 sheets of plywood up to the roof -- oh my gosh this was a task. Justin and Walter started off handing up the sheets of plywood to the others first. I tried to help Justin one time and only ended up almost breaking his finger. The sheet of plywood looked like it was about to fall forward, so being the loving sister I am I tried to push it back towards Justin. Then the wind got it and it was blown over Justin and broke off his entire thumb nail and gave him a black eye. Lots of help I was-- at that point I just tried to help with the little stuff. Everyone took turns handing up the plywood and then nailing it down. Me and mom worked on taking out nails from a million boards placed aimlessly around. By the end of this day, I was so tired I could have cried. It was cold, windy and a very late day!!!!

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