Thursday, May 7, 2009

Black Tin Roof

As soon as the plywood was up, it started to rain again --- of course. All of that plywood soaking up the rain --- we were worried. But a few days later, the rain was gone, the plywood was fine, and it was time to put the tin on the roof!! There were a lot of people here again, but I could not help. This was tedious work and much care had to be taken to not bend this beautiful shiny tin roof. Roger, Sam, Walter, Justin, dad, Damon and Dwayne helped put up the roof. So getting the tin up was hard because you could not bend it. Then getting it straight was challenging. The most tedious part was the screws holding the tin down. They screwed in 1500 screws in that roof -- wow this took forever. Another long day. Then once the roof was up it leaked :(((((. Finally fixed, but very stressful in the mean time. It ended up being Roger put the screws in a bit tight. All good now. I love the way our roof looks in the moonlight.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That roof is so awesome!