Monday, August 25, 2008

Footings phase 1

The footings went great! Orville (Sam's uncle) brought his back-hoe and dump truck on Monday. Roger loves it because Orville likes to start early, he was here by 7:00 AM; definately a great start under Roger's terms. I was gone to work by the time Orville got here the first day, so I still did not get to meet him yet. Anyway, I spoke to Roger at lunch and he said things were going great. Instead of digging down to lower they decided to build up the low spot. The had to go to the back by the building and bring up extra dirt to really stack up the pool side of the house. It was a lot easier and cheaper (all good with me)! So I got home that night and it was a big flat spot of dirt - Roger was very happy with the work. Of course Vegas and Bob helped all day - and all passed out and peaceful that night. On Tuesday, Orville was early again and I was still here so I got to meet him. Today was the big day; inspection, digging and pouring the footings. Roger, Orville, and Sam got the footings dug by mid-morning and the inspector was here by lunch and said it is APPROVED! Next the concrete guy came and poured the footings. I finally know what a footing is now -- it is the base of where an ouside wall or column will be setting on. Mom was here all day taking pictures and keeping everyone amused. She played with the animals and learned everything there is to know about footings and what guys do at a construction site all day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jaymi, I'm finally getting to check out your blog, you go girl! Actually all of y'all, you guys are doing a GREAT job! Keep it up! You should have a get together at different milestones along the way & invite people- we will bring food & drinks to ease your weary & tired souls! :)