Monday, August 25, 2008

Footings Phase 2

Roger and Justin needed to do some touch up work on 2 of the columns and make the middle of the house nice and clean. Justin and Laura came over early Saturday (8/23/08). Laura and I went and ran and Roger & Justin finished cleaning up the footings. First of all there were chucks of dirt from the center of the house. 2 of the columns were out of align when Roger squared up the house, so Roger and Justin had to hand dig out more room in the column holes. While they were doing that Laura and I went to Lowes to pick up bags of concrete. We got back and then we mixed them with water and Roger and Justin finished filling up the holes and made the column holes right.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Look at those boys hard at work! Glad to see more photos of the progress. I hope the rain didn't mess things up today!