Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ode to Vegas

It is a very bad week -- Vegas is gone. Monday 2/2 there was a man here putting the insulation in the new house. Vegas was in his truck when he was done for the day and drove off. He got about 4 miles away, realized Vegas was in his truck, opened his door and just let him out :( :( :(. I can't believe it, he never even called to let us know. Well that night we noticed Vegas didn't come in, but that is not always the weird -- him hunting and all. So when we woke up Tuesday morning and did not see him, we were really worried. So, Roger called the insulation guy, low and behold we heard the bad news. Roger wanted to know why in the world he didn't call us as soon as it happened -- that horrible man said "it is just a cat". Oh Roger was pissed and let him know. That horrible man couldn't understand why we cared. Well obviously there are some horrible non-animal lovers in the world and I hope he has a miserable time of it now -- karma WILL get him in the end. So that Tuesday that Roger found out what happened mom went to the place he dropped Vegas out at and yelled and drove around for a good hour. Then she went home made a flyer, Justin got off early and they went around dropping off flyers and yelling for Vegas again. Unfortuately nothing. That night Roger and I walked around for over an hour yelling for him. Then this morning Wednesday 2/4 I stopped by yelling for him again. Then tonight we ran 3 different paths screaming for him the whole way -- that will get me back in shape. After we were running for about an hour, we ran into dad and he was looking as well. As always my family is absolutely wonderful. Roger and I really miss Vegas. I really hope he found a good home --- of course no home is as good as my home. This is extremely horrible -- I hate it. I just can't deal with this :(.


Natalie said...

OH my gosh what a jerk! How could he do that! You should sue his ass.

Unknown said...

Great pictures! Whatever happened?
:( On a happy note I am SOOOOO excited you are in your house!! Can't wait to come check it OUT!! :) :) :) Congratulations, and I know you will get your much needed R & R very soon!