Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trusses are up

Over Christmas break (yes, I have been horrible updating the blog) the trusses went up. I was so happy we did this while I was out of work -- it was the most amazing thing. A crane came that day to lift each truss to the proper place. Dwayne, Damon, Sam, Walter, Roger and myself were all here working that day. It took forever to get the first one up -- this was the most important one. This day took forever and was completely exhausting (physically & mentally). Roger was on the very front where the lamenent beam that sits on the columns -- he attached the trusses to that beam. Dwayne was on the front wall -- attaching the trusses to the to the top of the wall. Sam was in the middle on the scaffolding -- putting 2 X 4s in between the trusses to connect them all together. Damon was on the back -- attaching the trusses to the back wall. Walter was cutting the 2X4s for stabolizing. I was the runner -- getting everything for everybody. We finally finished up and everyone was ready to be done. Vegas was sooooo cute -- he got on top of the trusses and played all day -- the dare devil he really is. Now I am so sad looking back knowing he is gone now :(. On a good note -- the trusses went up great and we were all very happy at the progress of the day.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Yay for a new post! Fun to see all the progress. It is really starting to come together. We finally finished tiling our bathroom floor. Pics are up on the blog.