Thursday, September 25, 2008

Backfilling water/sewer and beginning pool

On Monday (day after laying water and sewer-below) it is time to backfill and start the pool. Orville (Sam's uncle) came over on Monday. Sam, Roger & Orville got all the water/sewer ditches back filled. They Orville dug a ditch from where the pool is out to our woods. We are putting a drain in the concrete under the pool for any possible accidents of the pool over spilling and getting water on the pad. Then Orville began digging the hole for the pool. The end of the day came and they didn't quite get the complete hole dug. Since there was some what of a pool of course Roger had to dig throught he footings and make sure that if it rained the water could drain out of the hole into the woods. You will see Roger digging out the hole for the drain pipe out of the pool hole into the ditch that will go to the woods.

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