Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rain comes again :(

From the weather report we knew rain was coming tonight. We finally get the pool started and of course the very next day the rain must come. So we covered all the pad up with plastic and had it all draining into the pool hole. The main reason this was important is because the sewer/water ditch that was just backfilled yesterday does not need to get completely soaked because it is fresh dirt 3 feet deep and that really soaks up the water; which in return holds water, which in return is not good for the slab. So that is why we got high powered 6 mil plastic to cover up the slab. Well it rained all freakin week and by Saturday morning when the sun finally came out it was just one big mud hole. Which is one thing I want to bring up really quick - when you live on a construction site with 2 animals equals a completely gritty house most of the time :( :( -- good thing I am not a neat freak. Anyway when we got up on Saturday, we knew the only thing to do was to funnel all the water on the plastic into the pool hole. Then my job was to funnel trenches in the pool hole to get the water out of the pipe that Roger made knowing we would need to get the water out. As you can see it was just a huge mess!!! That night I was sound asleep and Bob (the dog) came over to my side of the bed for a quick pet and when I touched her I realized she was covered in mud. Then Vegas (the cat) got on the bed, I touched him and guess what he followed Bob in the pool hole and was as muddy as she was (because Vegas thinks he is a dog). So middle of the night I was giving kitty and doggy baths (I was not happy). Anyway, we hate the rain right now.

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