Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Sewer & Water are in!!!

The ditches were dug before the last huricane so now that it has dried it is time for the water and sewer!!! Dwight (a friend of Orville's) came early Sunday morning to help us lay the sewer. The sewer is the larger white pipes that have things sticking up everywhere. Dwight is a licensed plumber and to make us feel confident he came to help. So we layed sewer all morning - it was down by lunch. Once sewer is in we have to test it. So you do this by putting caps on all the shorter pipes sticking out of the ground. Then the one extremely tall pipe as you will see me standing by on the ladder is for the washer and dryer. We fill this up to the top which means all the small pipes fill up as well. Then you wait a few hours look in the pipe and if the water level did not go down then you know there are no leaks. Ours was perfect -- of course!!!! Then the rest of the day Roger and I layed the water lines. Roger knows everything there is to know about water. It is amazing how many different lines go to all the different inlets. As you look at the pictures the red pipes are for the hot water and the white pipes are for the cold water. So as you will see the clusters will go in the walls (who would have know all this stuff is in the walls????). Anyway, we do not have any connections in the water lines under the slab which is great. I learned that as long as you have the main water line coming out of the beginning and in one bathroom, you can connect all the water lines to those places (Amazing). Roger and I worked all afternoon - first we had to backfill under the sewer pipes, so there was no give. This was to protect it from the backfilling with heavy dirt. Then after we backfilled all the dirt, it was time to lay the water. I was exhausted and sun-burnt from being in the sun all day long. This was a huge step - so now all we have to do is wait for the inspection tomorrow night.

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